In Livigno, the playful path of the "Yepi project", inaugurated in winter 2013, has been enriched with TECHline technological innovations: an "old game" has thus become a new, exciting adventure, a "life path on skis" in which the pure fun is combined with educational training, where no one loses and everyone can live an unforgettable experience.

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Today, as never before, families, and especially children, have become demanding customers and certainly able to choose.
They inquire, ask and often decide what they will do before they even arrive on vacation.
And the mountains must also keep up with their expectations. Now, exactly as before (basically, as always ...), children want to have fun, play and feel independent, safe and rewarded in what they do.
It is not the feelings that have changed, but the approach to experience them.

Mottolino has always been in favor of innovation, in all its sectors.
Since the beginning of the Yepi project, born in the 2012-13 winter season with a playful path dedicated to budding skiers, the company has always winked at the possibility that games could one day "come alive".

Gea Yepi Map
The idea: to make everyone feel protagonists of themselves

We had the idea, but we needed someone who was able to implement it technically.
Our goal was to develop a game that was similar to a "life course on skis" and that had these characteristics: easily accessible, repeatable and stimulating (at different levels).
We wanted the child to feel like the protagonist of a video game, in which it is necessary to pass tests to access the second level, and then the third, etc.
We didn't want "game over" and we didn't want "lives lost", but we needed a way to give the child points to collect so that he could get something special.

We started looking for a system that would detect the passage of the child in the play area, assign a score and generate a "barrier" ranking.
We approached several companies before the TECHline system from GEA was introduced to us.
We talked about it for the first time during an inspection on the slopes and in December 2014 the system was a reality.

Gea Yepi Regulations
With GEA TECHLINE Yepi has grown up

And that's how our Yepi got big.
The games positioned along the course have evolved, and on the ski area there are conditions to stimulate the child to move even outside the area dedicated to him, naturally as soon as he feels capable of tackling a new track.
> Even snow operators (instructors and schools) who are skiing in the ski area can benefit from it by giving added value to the lessons with a product game suitable for teaching.

Our desire is to entertain the child while playing, but also to reward his good will because, after all, playing sports is certainly more tiring than sitting on the sofa with a video game in hand.
If the child feels gratified, he is encouraged to improve and will try to test himself with increasingly demanding challenges.

When Yepi arrives, the mascot who accompanies the child throughout the game, a video is projected in which the child discovers his score and his position in the ranking.
The more he slips, the more points he gets.

On the hunt for a friend with the "Ye-Tector" in his pocket

So far, I have told you a story for adults, but let's not forget that all this is dedicated to them, the little ones.
So, in order not to lose the magic, this is how we like to tell it to the protagonists.

Playing is very simple: just go to the rental and register. Each child will receive the Ye-Tector (the "find Yepi" device).
Just put it in your pocket to be ready to go in search of the nice friend hiding on the ski area.

A map will help the children identify the places where Yepi likes to hide.
Every time the children meet Yepi on the slopes they will have to hug him: only in this way will the Ye-Tector be loaded with precious points.
And once we get to the bottom of the track on a big screen we will find out how many points we have earned and where we are in the standings.
And to improve? Just keep skiing.
